Web Useful Tools


Basics of JSON

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a widely used data exchange format. It is lightweight and easy to read and write, making it popular for web services and APIs. JSON has two structures: an object that holds pairs of property names and values, and an ordered list of values called an array.

Benefits of JSON Formatting

JSON formatters organize JSON data to make it clear and unambiguous. This is especially helpful when dealing with complex JSON data. Formatted JSON makes it easier to understand the data structure at a glance, which is helpful for debugging, testing, and documentation.

Steps for JSON Formatting

Using a JSON formatter, you can easily format JSON data with the following steps.

  • Paste or enter the JSON string in the input field.
  • Click the format button.
  • The formatted JSON data will be displayed.


JSON formatters are useful tools for clarifying data structures. Formatted JSON makes it easier to understand the data structure at a glance, which is helpful for debugging, testing, and documentation. Using a JSON formatter can improve work efficiency and enable higher quality data analysis.